Friday, September 28, 2012

September 23-29, 2012

Good week for school.  Not so good week for health.  We're passing a stubborn cold back and forth, so this will be brief.

What we did this week:

  • Saxon Math 1: Lessons 42-45 (writing the number 38, covering a design in different ways; writing the number 39, counting by 10s to 100; writing the number 40, subtraction facts - subtracting one; Written assessment #8, writing the number 41, counting dimes)
  • The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading: Lessons 93-96 (review of the long-e vowel pairs; the vowel pair IE as /ī/, Y alone as /ī/; Y plus a silent E as /ī/, sight word: eye; I alone as /ī/)
  • Zaner-Bloser Handwriting Kindergarten: Pages 107-114 (XKZ review, uppercase and lowercase alphabet, punctuation marks: periods and commas, review of punctuation and writing a sentence)

Another great week with 90%+ of his total mands above full prompt!  This week, his therapist also began working with him on imitation skills and listener responding.  Next week, we switch to a three day per week schedule.  I think he'll be just fine with it.


Not too much progress on shapes this week.  Her colors are still 100%.  I'm mainly using various shape sorters as teaching tools.  When I use our shapes beanbags, she's very focused on the color instead of the shape.  She does much better with a different kind of toy altogether.


Poor Pete is sick this week, too.  He's also wearing socks on his hands because he won't stop scratching his head.  He looks like a cat attacked his forehead right now, despite the fact that I'm clipping his nails as short as I can get them each night.  I hope this phase passes quickly. 


Saturday is the feast of the Archangels.  Last year, we did a coloring page.  This year, I thought about making an angel food cake, but none of us really like it.  So, instead I'm going to make a devil's food cake and add a St. Michael cake topper.  Works for me!

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