Tuesday, February 19, 2013

February 10 - 16, 2013

So far, so good with the new sleeping arrangements.  Most nights, Oliver is sleeping in his bed, in his room, and not waking up.  The other kids are doing great, too.  We're keeping our fingers crossed that everyone keeps it up.

What we did last week:

  • Saxon Math 1: Lessons 95-98 (writing the number 86, counting by 100s; writing the number 87, drawing congruent shapes and designs; writing the number 88, measuring to the nearest inch using a ruler; writing the number 89, subtraction facts - subtracting two from a number)
  • The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading: Lessons 146-148 (the silent W before R; the silent W before H, review sight words; sight words: what, does)
  • Zaner-Bloser Handwriting 1: Pages 70-73 (Cc, Ee)
Lent has begun and we're keeping it pretty simple this year.  Each night, we're gathering around our little table and praying the Family Stations of the Cross from our book of Lenten devotions.


Oliver now has homework assignments.  We're doing short table sessions at home for the mands his therapist is working on at the center.  They are getting ready to really start testing his limits, so they want us to reinforce the things he's already mastered at home.


We're doing some casual counting lessons right now.  She's a bit enamored by the abacus, so we're doing a lot of counting to ten using the beads. 

I've noticed that Jane's memory is quite good.  She's been reenacting entire episodes of Yo Gabba Gabba using her "Gabba Friends."  I think I'll increase her Starfall time and see how much she can remember.


Peter is rolling all around, pushing himself along the floor on his back, and reaching the end of his swaddling days.  Time to move to a SleepSack.

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