Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Saint Valentine's Day!

I must confess that I've never been really big on celebrating Valentine's Day.  It always seemed like a pretty worthless "holiday."  Hey, let's buy a bunch of candy!  Or, how about a 4 1/2 foot tall teddy bear?  That should come in handy, right?

Still, now that Henry's getting older, it is nice to have a little fun on days like this.  Add in the real history of Saint Valentine and we actually wind up with a real holiday!

A friend of mine had the coloring page to the left on a Pinterest board.  I printed it out last night and colored it in nicely after the kids were asleep.  I also printed out the site's information on Saint Valentine and made a worksheet with it.  They'll be laminated together today so we can bring them out each year.  Each of the kids got their own coloring page sheet to work on today and listened to the story of Saint Valentine this morning before breakfast.

To make things fun, the bedroom doors were decorated with cut-out hearts last night.  We had heart-shaped biscuits at breakfast, and each child got a little candy afterwards as a special treat.

Today is also the anniversary of Oliver's baptism, so we're going to make a heart-shaped cake later on to celebrate.  And, of course, we've got our regular schoolwork to complete along with a speech therapy appointment this afternoon.  I'm sure we'll wind up cutting out a few construction paper hearts, too!

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