Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas!

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day this year.  Despite the fact that the kids and I all came down with nasty colds, we managed to have a joyful and peaceful start to the Christmas season.

Is Santa gone yet, Mommy?
Christmas morning dawned bright and early.  Henry was excited last year, but this year he was over the moon.  He darted into our room around 6:30 to let us know that Christmas had finally arrived.  We managed to convince him to lay down for another half an hour or so to let Oliver and Jane get a little more sleep.  Then, Matt held everyone back while I went downstairs to turn on the lights, put some cinnamon rolls in the oven, and, most importantly, start the coffee.

With everyone downstairs, we said our Christmas prayer over the white candles we placed in the Advent plaque the night before, oohed and aahed over little Baby Jesus in the nativity scene, and then sneezed and coughed our way through all of the presents.

The rest of the day was spent medicating everyone, wiping noses, playing with toys, and nibbling on the ham and its accoutrements.  

Henry's assignments for the week:
  • Lesson 46 - Showing time to the hour on a clock
  • Lesson 47 - Writing money amounts to 10 cents, ordering money amounts to 10 cents
  • Lesson 48 - Paying for items to 10 cents using pennies

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